Fortnite Chapter 2 PS4 Free Install Game Unlocked Working MOD Full Version Download
The last seasons of Battle Royale have bored Fortnite with constant innovations that either littered the map or added a bunch of poorly functioning mechanics. Air pipes, for some reason destroyed the Abandoned Towers, in the place of which a boring new location appeared, destroying everything in its path by walking mechs – you can’t remember everything at once. It was worth missing one season, returning to the game a couple of months later, and Fortnite was unrecognizable – weapons were introduced and removed, there was no balance either due to powerful explosives or due to gameplay changes. The game seemed to need a reboot to start from scratch. So far, Season 11 seems to be something similar.
New world
The launch of the second chapter of Fortnite , as Epic Games calls it all , went off in a big way. The fact that the popular royal battle was sucked into a black hole for two days was not only written by specialized publications, but also told on American television. Apparently, in this way, the developers disguised the long-term prophylaxis of servers – after it the action changed externally, many familiar elements disappeared, and the interface was shoveled.
We tried to make the acquaintance with the new season spectacular – at first you don’t understand why you are forced to watch the introductory video and are not allowed to miss it, and then Jonesy jumping out of the bus turns out to be a playable character flying towards the new map. True, it cannot be called completely new, since some of the old locations are immediately recognizable: here is the Pleasant Park, and the long-disappeared Nightmare Cinema, and the beloved Trade Point. But the overwhelming majority of “points of interest” are previously unseen zones, thanks to which the game feels much fresher.

Fortnite Chapter 2 PS4 Free Install Game Unlocked Working MOD Full Version Download
In addition, the entire map in the menu cannot be considered at first, it is covered with the “fog of war” and gradually opens when visiting each location. In this regard, there are still no places where fifty people fall out at the first opportunity, as it was before. A meteorite fell and destroyed the Old Warehouse? Everyone wants to get there, and after five minutes, two-thirds of the players are dead. New locations have appeared after the volcanic eruption? Everyone only flies there. Now there is nothing like that, users are just starting to get to know everything, so the matches turn out to be more interesting, although over time everything will surely become different.
No fuss and mess
Another great feature of the new season is the significantly reduced amount of loot and all kinds of interactive objects on the map. Now there are no vehicles at all, except for the boat, installed on which the missiles do only 35 points of damage. No furs, balloons, hoverboards or anything else. No pocket breaks and pulse grenades, even the launcher disappeared, although it seemed to be an integral part of the inventory, since it did not take up space, and allowed you to quickly get to the desired point. Now you need to watch the storm, you just can’t escape from it in the blink of an eye – the feeling after the past seasons is unusual.
Opportunities for medical treatment have become less – pusty nectar, a vigorous bomb and a vigorous broth are gone, and the shields seem to come across much less often. Cozy bonfires cannot be placed anywhere – just look for them on the map. Vending machines selling random goods are no longer there either. In general, it is much easier to list what is left in the game: ordinary grenades, bandages with first-aid kits, shields and a good old trap – if you don’t count the weapons. And among the guns, only two machine guns, two shotguns (including a weakened pump-action one), a submachine gun, a regular pistol, a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle are remembered. Not hard, fortunately.
There are few innovations, but they look interesting. For example, a fishing rod that occupies one slot in the inventory can now be caught. Find any body of water, throw a hook into it, wait a couple of seconds, and it starts to peck – you can catch a healing fish, cartridges, resources and all kinds of junk like tin cans. Sometimes you come across a weapon – if you find a good place, you can get something epic or legendary. The main thing is that some sniper does not look at the inattentive fisherman through the sight.
Another new item is the Bandage Bazooka, with which Epic Games is clearly trying to add variety to Squad Mode. It takes up two slots, so the player wearing it cannot put more than three other things in the inventory. But you can appoint him as a “healer” – suddenly there is a weak link in the team, which neither can shoot nor build. Now such users will not run their tail after the others, but will hide somewhere and will support their comrades-in-arms. And those, in turn, learned how to drag wounded comrades, although if you wish, you can grab enemies with you in order to throw them off the cliff.
Not everything is smooth
Unfortunately for those who don’t digest construction in Fortnite , this element has not changed in any way. Rather, for experienced builders, some things have become more convenient (including editing), but for completely “casual” players, everything is still the same – if a skilled opponent comes across, he will install walls and ceilings very quickly. At the same time, the matchmaking system has improved in the action game, and at some point, weak users will no longer meet with professional streamers. In the meantime, more and more bots will come across in their matches, placing walls inappropriately and unable to hit you from ten meters. Thanks to them, many players have celebrated victory in the first five matches.
Of course, there were some drawbacks. The spread of some types of weapons has increased significantly – it is especially sad to shoot from machine guns. There are problems with the sound – one day I was shot right up with a shotgun, although I did not hear a single step of the enemy. Some have complained about poor optimization, which seems to have already been improved with the last tiny update. But most of all, the players are annoyed by the interface – here not only notifications about medals and accomplishments come out, but it is also constantly reported that there are 50 or 10 opponents left in the match. When you try to listen carefully to the steps and choose the best tactics, such noisy notifications get in the way.
All this is fixable, and Epic Games, if desired, can very quickly eliminate these shortcomings. And without them, finding significant flaws in the new season will not be easy. Here even a full-fledged swimming appeared – if before I avoided locations like the Dastardly Pond, because there I either walked slowly in the water, or spent a lot of resources on building bridges, now completely new animations have been added. The character can not only swim, but also dive out like a dolphin, accelerating at the same time, which will certainly save in some situations. Especially if you can’t jump out of the water and build a whole palace in a couple of seconds.
Resources are still used not only as materials for construction, but also as a kind of currency. Previously, we used it to buy things in machine guns, but now the system is much more interesting – you can improve weapons on special workbenches. Found a “white” shotgun – turn it into a “green” one, and make a rare submachine gun epic so that it deals more damage. The cost is high when it comes to powerful weapon options, but here we again return to the help of a clumsy friend from the paragraph about the bandage cannon – you can instruct him to cut trees and destroy cars so that he wasted resources on improving your cannons.
Finally, the last notable change has to do with looks – Fortnitebecame much prettier and even more realistic. The cartoonish style has certainly not gone away, but the quality of the models and environments has improved significantly. There are more visual effects like flying butterflies and falling leaves. Although all this looks great, sometimes such elements interfere – already in the third match I started aiming a moving target from a sniper rifle and only after a couple of seconds I realized that it was just a leaf.
Unfortunately, Epic Games will probably continue to update the game every two weeks, introduce mechanics, offer more weapons and litter chests with loot – by the next season we should expect the same mess that was at the end of 10th. But now , for the first time in a long time, Fortnite can be called balanced, convenient and affordable – this is an opportunity to return to the days when the game was just starting its existence and was an ordinary battle royale without crazy vehicles flying all over the map of opponents and stupid objects like storm transformers. So this season is the perfect time to get to know Fortnite or launch it after a long hiatus. It won’t get any better.
Fortnite Chapter 2 PS4 Free Install Game Unlocked Working MOD Full Version Download
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- Click on the “Download Game” button to start Installation.
- Download Installer (Note Down: Current Setup Supports Resumable Downloads).
- Open the Installer, Click Next and choose the directory where to install.
- Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory and choose the location Where to install game.
- Open the Game and Enjoy Playing Full Version Game.
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