10 of the best games available on Android in 2019

10 of the best games available on Android in 2019

10 of the best games available on Android in 2019

As a fan of minimal word games, I thought it might be a good idea to round up a few of my favorites. I find that I often get annoyed by busy UIs, especially in word games, so I tend to lean more towards the titles that are built with a focus on gameplay instead of bright colors and shiny buttons. This is why I’ve hand-selected ten of the best Android word games that offer a minimalist theme. Instead of placing these games in order of my personal preference, I’ve listed them out by order of price, which should make it easy for everyone to find the titles that suit them best. So dig in and enjoy!

10 of the best games available on Android in 2019

Wordbase – Fun Word Search Battles with Friends

Imagine a game with the same competitive edge and literacy requirements as Scrabble, but it’s themed around a word search puzzle instead of a crossword. That’s what you get with Wordbase. Placement is way more important than word length since you’re trying to move across the board by uncovering words in the jumble. You’ll need an excellent vocabulary to win, but also some decent strategy since it’s possible to cut off your opponent from your base with careful word placement. This is why Wordbase is my favorite game in today’s list, though it will sadly be shut down soon, which is why the title’s IAPs are absent. So make sure to get in on Wordbase before it’s gone.


Philipp Stollenmayer’s supertype offers something a little different than the majority of word games in today’s list. Instead of pulling from your vocabulary to form or find words, you’ll have to smartly place letters on the board so that they fall in a particular way that will collect the many dots scattered around each level. In one instance you may want to drop an M, since the letter can physically cling onto objects, or maybe you’ll drop a Y so that when you drop an O, it rolls in a specific direction. The choice is yours, which is what makes the game so darn fun.


Blackbar is a game about a dystopian government spying on its population with zero justification or remorse, an eerily familiar story that resembles reality. The game will supply blocks of text where a few words are blacked out, and it’s up to the player to figure out what these missing words are. A lot of guesswork will be required to solve these puzzles, though it’s very fulfilling whenever you decipher an entire puzzle.


Typochondria is a word game for all of you editors out there. You’ll solve each puzzle by hunting down misspelled words in a sentence of text displayed on your screen. Essentially you’ll fill the role of a book editor as they hunt down typos in some of the sloppiest writing around, which can actually be a very relaxing experience.

Four Letters

Four Letters takes Boggle and grinds it down to a super-fast formula: you’ve got 20 seconds to make a word from four letters, at which point the letters renew. The goal is to go as far as you can. There are multiple answers to each puzzle, and a leaderboard is included for those that really want to put their word-forming skills to the test. Sadly if you swear like a sailor, your favorite four-letter-words are not supported, so you’ll have to keep your typing clean to play this one.

Letterpress – Word Game

Letterpress is a competitive word game where players take turns forming words out of the letters available on a board. This board consists of a 5×5 block of letters, and it’s up to each player to find as many words in the group as possible. These words, of course, are worth points, and whoever has the most points at the end of the match wins. And if you’d prefer to practice before taking on real-world opponents, you can always battle a bot to get a grip on your skills.


Typeshift is a unique puzzle game that mixes anagrams with a crossword puzzle, and it comes from the creator of SpellTower. The game will task its players with finding as many words as possible within the supplied columns of letters. You can slide these columns up and down on your screen, which is how you form new words from the letters you are given.


Cryptogram is a simple word game where the player is tasked with solving a cryptic message by finding the appropriate ciphers within the jumbled text. As you uncover hidden letter patterns, you’ll slowly reveal the phrase, which is the goal of the game. Best of all, the app was recently updated to support better backspace behavior, which helps to easily clear letters from a selected character.

Bonza Word Puzzle

Bonza Word Puzzle offers a twist on the classic crossword puzzle design. Instead of filling in individual letters, it will be your job to mix and match entire sections of a completed crossword puzzle to form full words. So imagine if someone tore apart a completed crossword puzzle and then asked you to put it back together, piece by piece, that’s exactly how Bonza Word Puzzle plays, and it’s a hoot.

Word Search Puzzle

Bonza Word Puzzle offers a twist on the classic crossword puzzle design. Instead of filling in individual letters, it will be your job to mix and match entire sections of a completed crossword puzzle to form full words. So imagine if someone tore apart a completed crossword puzzle and then asked you to put it back together, piece by piece, that’s exactly how Bonza Word Puzzle plays, and it’s a hoot.

10 of the best games available on Android in 2019

10 of the best games available on Android in 2019

10 of the best games available on Android in 2019
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